Pop music
has for many become a bit of a dirty word.
Once it's
slipped into a conversation many music fans turn a deaf ear to
anything else that is being said, and to a degree I can understand
literal interpretation of pop is that it is short for popular, and
pretty much what is popular just now isn't up to much.
music has become the equivalent of a fast food meal.
on a conveyor belt and thrust at us with a price tag on it.
It's not
supposed to be appreciated and very little love and attention has
been put into making it.
it's there as a soundbite, background noise that is to be grabbed,
consumed and then discarded for the next version of the weeks meal
Van Susans are here to accept the challenge and fight the corner for
Drag it
back into the field of critical acclaim.
With some
care and attention they have managed to craft an albums worth of
material that has a great deal of depth and passion to it while
simultaneously layering it with pop sensibilities.
Having a
backbone of indie folk to the sound very obviously helps in allowing
the music to embrace the listener, but there's more to it than that.
A little
something extra that manages to elevate the material to the level
that it doesn't just float by, but instead takes root in your head
and hangs around until it gets a reaction.
This is
as far removed from disposable pop music as you could imagine.
Each time
I let friends listen to the material on the album they have all been
quick to offer opinions as to who they sound like, but very often no
two suggestions are the same, and that says a great deal about how
much ground the band cover.
introduction to the band was rather serendipitous.
They had
contacted a venue in Glasgow looking to arrange a date to play, but
as the venue don't directly book acts they passed the name on to me,
and after a few clicks online and allowing what is there to soak in I
bought the album, then the previous debut ep, and finally contacted
them and said that I would be happy to cover a Glasgow date in Pivo,
with this then leading onto another in Su Casa in Ayr.
then there's been a few eyebrows raised as Van Susans are a band that
others are surprised that I would be promoting, but my opinion is
that quality is all that matters and not genres, and with this being
the case I am more than happy to be involved in bringing them to
I hope
after you lend an ear to the album that you are just as happy to.
The album
can of course be purchased from Bandcamp, and if you click on the
image of the poster on the right (In the list of gigs) then that will take you directly to Tickets
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