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Tuesday 15 May 2012

New York Dolls - Live from the Bowery.

Old habits die hard.
That's why I bought the latest live offering from The New York Dolls.
The imaginatively titled 'Live from the Bowery'.
After the anticlimactic 'Dancing Backwards in High Heels' that was a David Johansen solo album in all but name, and a rather lacklustre support to Alice Cooper on Halloween in Glasgow, the only thing that kept me hanging in there as a fan is that deep down I told myself that there must be some fuel left in the tank.
So I'm rather pleased to hear on this that the foot was pressed firmly back on the peddle after being stuck in cruise control for a little while there.
This Bowery show is the one I wanted to experience in Glasgow.
This sort of performance would have left me with the largest grin imaginable, and I would presume Alice would have been backstage wondering what he was going to do to follow the mighty Dolls.
Blasting off with Looking for a Kiss sets the table for what is to come.
The leading track from 'High Heels' 'I'm so Fabulous' sounds........well fabulous actually.
Forth track in and I've been sucker punched by 'Talk to me Baby'
Live it sounds like it's a Ramones/Spector classic that has been bastardized by the Dolls.
The 60's girl band sound and punk rock mix is quite frankly the dogs bollocks.
Then the live set just relentlessly delivers again and again.
If you want it, then they've got it in spades and delivering it hard and fast.
I'm a born again aficionado of the New York Dolls, and all it took was one blistering live set.
Fantastic value for money as well as the CD comes with a DVD of the whole performance.
Hallelujah motherfuckers. The Dolls are back.  

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