A young
woman cavorting naked to sell a song - nothing new - has managed to
get a spectacular amount of people upset.
Sinead O'Connor started the 'wrecking' ball rolling with an open
letter, that while it lacked any sort of diplomacy, passionately
stabbed a dagger into the heart of the matter.
response was one that few of us would have expected.
the mental health issues that Sinead has battled in the past smacked
of nothing more than a race to the bottom in debating skills.
ignorant and inappropriate sums the reply up, and ultimately the
attitude displayed by Ms Cyrus could be more damaging to her career
than any amount of simulated sledgehammer fellatio could be.
the media have had a field day.
From the
red tops to the broad sheets, and across the unlimited expanse of the
internet, everyone appears to have commented.
addition, the bandwagon that was already beginning to creak under the
weight of the debate, had a few more passengers to carry as Amanda
Palmer, and then Annie Lennox, brought their views to the table.
Now I
want to make something very clear at this point.
personally consider that there is a great deal of worth to be had in
continuing the debate.
The video
in itself has most definitely opened the door to a wider debate that
can be had about feminism, about misogyny, about the sexualization of
young children through the medium of entertainment, and so much more,
and the response from Cyrus should be addressed with opinion pieces
on the attitudes towards displayed towards those with mental health
issues, but I have an problem.
problem is this.
there is enough going on in the UK, and globally, that we should be
concerning ourselves with, and the media is doing us all a disservice
by pushing this story so hard into the public eye.
It is a
distraction that we do not need.
When we
consider that a little over a week ago a man set fire to himself in a
job centre - after having not eaten in three days due to his benefits
being stopped - then between that and the Miley Cyrus debate what
story do we think should be highlighted?
What one
should carry the most weight in the press?
How about
some of the draconian measures that are being touted at the
Conservative party conference?
If they
are successful in implementing these policies then the impact will be
felt across the genders, across generations, and pretty much only a
minority of the already affluent will manage to buck the downward
spiral trend.
Is that
not a more pressing story to report on at this present time?
I must
stress again that I consider the subject deserves our attention, but
how much of it is the question?
should this story sit in the press?
Is it a
leading story?
Of course
salacious headlines sells in the world of the red tops, but this has
managed to leap the divide and is attracting just as much attention
from the broadsheets as it has from the gutter press.
concerns me as it could be considered the thin end of the wedge.
wouldn't bat an eye at a comment piece about the television show 'The
Only Way is Essex' being included in a broad sheet, but I would if it
was on page two and an article about how many under twenty years of
age had died in drone attacks was on page nine.
So in
closing this is not an attack on the opinions expressed by Sinead
O'Connor, Amanda Palmer, or Annie Lennox, but an attack on how the
media appear to cherry pick what they want to distract us with.
The press frenzy about MC is all a total load of bollocks - the more press this Moldy Cystus bird gets the happier her record company will be ! In agreement with your points in this blog 100% - we currently face total destruction of our welfare system here in the UK. Disabled and ill people are being victimised nothing short of Nazism and the wealthy people carry on as though nothing is happening. Our children are being slowly turned into uncompassionate, consumerist robots devoid of all spirituality and all the media can do is write about this insignificant person and her Corporate record company. I sincerely hope people wake up to the unnerving reality that there will be a global disaster soon that will affect ALL working class people be they American or European and pop music will be the last of their worries !