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Friday 11 May 2012

Colin's Godson – In Space.

First thing I thought when I got this through was Christ check the package on Colin's Godson.
It wasn't a homosexual exclamation of wonderment though.
It was more to do with how the band have put their album out.
It's like a seven inch single that lampoons a Tin Tin comic and instead of holding a slice of vinyl it has a whole albums worth of material on a CD within it, and what a CD that is.
ItsaXXXXthing have been on a roll recently, and I'm starting to forget the last time I was sent something to review that hit the bottom of the 'things to get around to' bin.
Do you like the Auteurs, Badder Meinhoff, Black Box Recorder?
If so then there's quite a bit of the genius of Luke Haines here, but there's also a great deal of infectious punk pop tomfoolery with a loose sci-fi concept.
Its as mad as a box of frogs who have overdosed on aceeeeeeed and are partying like tomorrow will be the dawning of an age when amphibians take over the world.
At the moment 'Let's Destroy the Thatcher Brain' is lodged in my head and I can't seem to shake it loose.
I suspect that if I do then it may just be replaced by something else by the band that is equally as fucked up and funny.
It's half man half biscuit a space oddity 2012 – a rock opera, and I say that with the greatest respect.
It's so good I'm just going to put it back on. Then when it's finished I may just put it back on again.


  1. Thanks for taking the time to listen to the album and for the kind words. Much appreciated.

    The sequel, Colin's Godson in Time should be out before the end of 2012 all going to plan!

  2. You're very welcome. Love it and I will be buying the first one to.
