We have global conflicts, ecological disasters and here in the UK a coalition government to deal with.
The potents of disaster are everywhere.
Here in Ayrshire we have our own imbalance to.
We have more talented bands and artists per square mile than I can ever recall, and yet in Kilmarnock we have nary a stage for them to promote themselves from.
It's small potatoes in the large scheme of things, but never the less it still twists my melons man.
Thankfully some people are still fighting the good fight.
David Hanvey is one of them – in fact he could be described as the last man standing - and this coming weekend he's back trying to valiantly breath some life into the faltering lungs of a scene that will start spiralling downwards to extinction if it isn't supported.
Make no mistake about this.
The success of The Dirty Editions weekend will go a long way towards ensuring that live original music continues to flourish in Kilmarnock.
So it's up to you.
It's not even a case of dragging yourself out to support mediocre talent.
Over the course of the three nights in two venues there's something for everyone.
A line up to make the most disillusioned music fan swoon.
This is some of the best of what is on offer locally building up to known headline acts that wouldn't normally see Kilmarnock listed on their tour itinerary.
The weekend starts on Friday (10th) with local heroes The Longhorns headlining a night in what used to be Jollys/Dirty Martinis and is now known as Kelly's.
This is just the beginning, the teaser for what is to come.
The Longhorns have a solid local following and could fill the venue on their own merits, but the addition of The Mighty Kung Fu playing their last ever gig means that it's doubtful that there will be room to breath.
These bands alone make the ticket price a bargain, but the addition of Roadway, the Empathy, Dirty Angel and the obligatory more to be confirmed makes this seem like an opportunity not to be missed.
Saturday sees Tommy Reilly finishing off another fantastic line up in Kelly's
In support he has one of my current favourite bands who are tipped to make the big time and that's The Imagineers.
(Check them out at the bottom of the page.)
The rest of the line up aint too shabby either.
Matt Scott, Rose Parade, Jamie Keenan, The Holy Ghosts, Scott Nicol and Colin Hunter.
Tell me that there's a duff artist amongst that lot and I'd have to check and see if your ears are painted on.
No surprise that that's not all either.
Turn up on the night and see who else will be there.
I doubt it would be a wasted effort if anyone arrived early doors.
The weekend culminates in the extra special appearance of Steve Cradock (OCS/Paul Weller) in Bakers, who is doing a solo acoustic tour at the moment.
Although I've been assured that there will be some special guests joining him.
(Shhhh. Don't ask. It's a secret.)
Apart from Steve, who many will consider the jewel in The Dirty Editions crown, joining him will be What the Heroes Say, Tragic O'Hara, Graemes Minky Tiger, Dead Wolf Club and yet again more.
If that's not enough to blow your mind then what more do you want?
How about some DJ sets and Northern Soul at an after show party with Steve Cradock spinning some discs?
Yeah. I though some people might like that.
Now if this doesn't manage to kick start something locally then someone should just tag the toe of Kilmarnock and leave its corpse in the morgue.
Any local music lovers who don't attend at least one of these nights better never ever ever ever utter near me that nothing every happens in Killie.
Other people are fighting the good fight.
ReplyDeleteWe have a local radio station that supports the local scene to.
Shame you fail to mention them.
It's a shame that you feel the need to post anonymously.
ReplyDeleteStumpy here. Thanks for the kind words Mainy.
ReplyDeleteFor the Anonymous comment I don't really see your point here. This was a piece written about a 3 day event being held in Kilmarnock. Where over the past few months the live scene has taken a few body blows. So if you could please elaborate I would be very grateful oh and post yir name no need to hide.
I dont need to say my name.
ReplyDeleteThe write up makes it appear that there is only one person promoting local talent in Kilmarnock.
That's not true.
KARadio is doing it to.
That's the last anonymous comment on this thread.
ReplyDeleteThe update is about the promotion of live music.
Taken in that context then David Hanvey IS the last man standing.
Anyone else dipping their toe in and promoting a gig is to be admired, but no one is consistently doing it as he is.
If anyone wants to come along and put the effort in that he does then I'll be praising them on MY blog to.
If anyone wants to take something away from his efforts then it's fuckin' pathetic.
KA Radio has been written about before.
If there's an issue comment with a name.
love you Mainy, so much more than a man in a mad hat!
ReplyDeleteCarolyn x
anonymous posters on blogs do my tits right in!
ReplyDeleteStumpy does a great job in Killie and is one of very few people being able to run events in Ayrshire independently and should quite rightly be commended for it.
For the comment about local radio. It would be interesting to hear even if your too much a sh!tbag to post your own name which radio station your eluding to.
I advocate local music on Irvine Beat FM (currently awaiting a full FM license from OFCOM)i'd be disgusted to think one of my own station presenters or volunteers were badmouthing Stumpy's efforts when they probably don't know anything about him. Grow some balls Anonymous!
Id the the local music scene has taken a few body blows to .... 'mainely' from this blog page.
ReplyDeleteI know I said I wouldn't post any more anonymous comments, but I just had to add the one above.
ReplyDeleteAs for body blows to the local music scene?
Well as they say in the teen movies 'whatever'.
Over the years I've put on quite a few gigs and regardless of who is headlining I have always had an Ayrshire act or acts supporting.
More than once I have paid Ayrshire artists for them to tell me that it has been the first time that they have made money from performing.
I'm actually quite proud about that.
I've also written sleeve notes for people for nothing, written press releases for nothing, handed out contact details to people that have enhanced their careers on some level, and been a sounding board for a few young artists.
I repost links to other Ayrshire blogs run by Ben, The lads from Fole and Jennifer Love.
I don't see these people as competition, but individuals who all bring something different to the table and enrich the Ayrshire music scene.
There's enough room for everyone is my point.
I help spread the word about gigs and performances in Ayrshire without being asked.
Sort out posters and flyers for people (Very amatuer ones).
I think I played a role in improving the connections between Kilmarnock and Ayr regarding artists working together to.
Everything I have said here can be backed up.
So I'm not sure at all what these body blows to the scene are that you made comment about.
Anonymous's comments are completely misdirected, this blog article simply states that Stumpy is just about the last promoter who is running gigs in Kilmarnock. Booking venues, booking artists, advertising, selling tickets etc etc. KA Radio is a radio station. KA Radio is a radio station based in Kilmarnock. KA radio have put a couple of gigs on but they've been fundraisers for KA Radio, and they've been in Glasgow.
ReplyDeleteHaving worked with both Stumpy and Mainy in the running of events, I can only commend the energy and efforts of both promoters not only in ensuring a busy night was had business wise, but also of their commitment to Ayrshire venues and Ayrshire acts. Its all too easy to book a venue in Glasgow, stick a 50 quid bookers fee in your pocket and take business away from Kilmarnock, that hardly supports local music.
Anonymous, realise that this article is aimed at giving a local promoter a bit of advertising for upcoming shows and a wee pat on the back for his efforts. Don't twist it into something else, all you'll achieve from doing so is tarnishing the name and reputation of the relatively young project that is KA Radio
Chris Mooney
To anonymous- I do a show at KA Radio too and I have no idea why you have brought KA into this. When it comes to live music no one individual is doing or has done more than Hanvey in the area.
ReplyDeleteRadio is a completely different ball game.
I think you have possibly mis-read what Mainy was getting at.
there`s loads of people doing admirable work but who else sticks their neck and wallet on the line and creates a 3 day festival by his/her self?
First of all look above this comment, a name, took me 2 minutes to create a login, no big deal, secondly i really dont get the aggregation towards Mainy from somebody who i work with at KA, Mainy, Stumpy, Myself and many others have worked continuously for years promoting live shows with most except Stumpy(my first music) all but giving up at the start of this year, hence the name of the blog. Now i could see the offence if it was called Last Station Standing and somehow insinuated that west fm was the only thing on offer, fine then kick up fuck, at the moment this type of wreck-less commenting is making KA look like a jealous overly cocky company, yes i agree its great to have people talking about you but in this blog mention of radio stations would just be totally irrelevant, keep up the good work Mainy
ReplyDeleteDead on Mainy. Go Stumpy!
ReplyDeleteI fail to see why there should be any mention of KA Radio in this piece, when it's supposed to spotlight one person who's putting on a three day event. If KA Radio were participating it would make sense, however, they are not. So, let Stumpy take the stage for a bit!
Also, I'm pretty sure KA Radio have been residing in Ayr more than Kilmarnock with their gigs recently BECAUSE Killie has taken a fair few 'body blows' with venues of late. Which is totally fine for them to do too!
You have to admit that it would most certainly gimp the blog if every post about the Ayrshire 'scene' had to mention KA Radio.
There's no conspiracy, there's no ill will. I don't get why everyone can't just respect each other, be positive and get on with it. Most fighting-est what's that line? ;) (forgive the self quote, but when it's apt, it's apt)
If anyone has benefited from this blog it's me and it's because I was spotlighted. Allow others the same chances and we will have a richer, fuller, scene, I promise you that. Positivity nurtures it's kin, an' aw that.
We all love the ayrshire music scene and should be supporting each other in our endeavors to keep the momentum going. Not launching attacks at people. End of mainy is an awesome guy who says what he thinks and goes out his way to help people with their events. Keep it coming mainy, love this blog, live your honesty and love ayrshire's music scene!
ReplyDeleteThank you to those who have commented.
ReplyDeleteAs pointed out there's no dig at KA Radio, nor a deliberate omission either.
The update was about the Dirty Editions gig and within promoting that I was highlighting the current state of affairs of our local music scene.
That an individual, who may or may not be linked to KA Radio, has taken the hump and aired their misguided grievances here is no surprise.
All they have done is draw attention to another problem that haunts all nascent music scenes, and that is that cliquish attitudes expressed are ultimately divisive.
From the messages I have received today it is obvious to me that the anonymous poster has hardened peoples opinions about KA Radio.
Maybe in hindsight they will consider that posting ill thought out bollocks in haste isn't something that can always be repented at their leisure.
In fact if KA Radio was a larger business entity then I suspect an internal investigation would be on the cards and the anonymous commentator would be looking forward to clearing their desk.
However if this is the cause of an ill wind blowing through the station I will not be accepting any responsibility.
That alone lies with 'anonymous'.
Lots of trumpet blowing and arse licking going on.
ReplyDeleteBands will still to play in Kilmarnock without you mainly and who needs stumpy and his washed up brit pop bands
Hmm. Getting tired of this petty crap now.
ReplyDeleteSo where to start.
Anon(y)mous is how you spell it, but we appreciate the effort.
Also my name is Mainy, not Mainly.
I will accept Manly though.
However if you want to start calling me that then it is possible that the trade description people might not agree and hassle you for making false claims.
Now we can all make grammatical errors when posting through a mist of deluded hate, but 'bands will still to play'?
With that you're just making it obvious that you aren't exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer with your inane babbling.
This is too easy.
Maybe if you were up to speed you would know that I've publicly stated that I'll not be promoting any more gigs in Kilmarnock.
I may make an occasional exception and do some charity fund raisers, but at the moment I have no plans.
Unsurprisingly the world didn't stop turning when I announced that.
Neither did I expect it to.
There are people who will fill the gap and I'll support them in whatever they do.
Your comment about Stumpy is rather pathetic though.
Probably as pathetic as the sad lonely existence that I suspect you have.
Although you will call it a life I suppose.
So I will have to take issue with it.
Currently - as you will be aware as you have read the blog update - Stumpy has his Dirty Editions event about to kick off.
Very soon he also has The Banana Sessions sorted.
Amongst all the many acts appearing is one that you could possibly claim to be a brit pop star.
He's not exactly a 'where is he now' star of yesteryear though.
Instead he's a respected musician who apart from being a founding member of OCS is also someone that others have called Paul Wellers right hand man.
His appearance in Kilmarnock isn't one that indicates a downward slide, but instead is a bit of an anomaly.
This isn't the usual setting for the guy to play and people should be lining up to thank Stumpy for securing the gig rather than having a dig.
I would love to know who you are just so that I could add your name to the sentence.
That..................is a complete and utter wankstain.
There you go.
Is that the response you wanted?
Probably not, but it's one you deserve.
I don't understand the negativity here towards Stumpy. If there's to be any at all it should come from me as every gig means I lose my husband and our daughters spend less time than they'd like with their dadda. As we firsthand know the amount of blood sweat and tears that he puts into these gigs. He does this as it's something he loves,it brings something to this ghost of a town, and he's bloody good at it.
ReplyDeleteAs for him bringing washed up bands and artists, who's fault is that but your own? He frequently asks opinions on who people would like to see, so why not comment on one of these posts in a more positive manner than slate the mans efforts in here.
As for the posts about KA Radio, not all publicity is good! Should you not be thanking him for helping you publicise your station? Most wouldn't look at free advertising as something to complain about?
I'm sick of all this bitching and nit picking.
Well said Carolyn.
ReplyDeleteStumpy and myself know that criticism comes with the territory.
We also know that petty comments from no marks will be made against anyone who supports music locally.
It comes from people who feel that they are on the outside looking in.
They feel excluded.
Maybe it's because others are doing what they would want to, but they don't have the confidence so there's some misguided resentment that builds up.
Or it's possible that they are someone who considers themselves an overlooked talent.
There's plenty of them about.
Regardless of their reasons for posting here, what they don't realize is that the majority reading it see them as bitter twisted fools with an imaginary axe to grind.
They have had their opportunity to rant and unless they can offer something a bit more rational then there will be no more comments upped from them.
Stumpy here. Lots of comments bloody hell folks its only a gig.
ReplyDeleteThanks to the people for the positive feedback its greatly appreciated (especially at this time).
As for the negative stuff it doesn't really matter to me. All I will say is if your no into what I do then go create yourself. I have never or would ever profess to be the be all and end all of Ayrshire music.
To the #weareanonimous if you can name every act I have been involved in putting on since 2007 then I might take the comment seriously. But as it stands I cant.
Really don't get people posting anonymously,if you have something to say that's fine but at least have the conviction to put your name to it.Myself and Willie B started My First Music 6 years ago and brought Stumpy on board basically to sell tickets for us,he soon showed he had a talent for promoting far better than Willie or myself.For whatever reason we decided to leave but Stumpy carried on alone.He puts an enormous amount of effort in for very little reward why? because he likes promoting,simple.Mainy is quite right to praise him and although he isn't looking for any pats on the back he deserves praise.People like Mainy,Stumpy,Faither and Cheryl at KA all deserve praise for the effort they put in,as do any other local promoters,bands,bloggers etc.You talk about blowing trumpets and arse licking and for a moment I thought I knew who you were!Thats not the case we're just supporting each other and the local music scene the way it should be,Munro.
ReplyDelete@ weareanonimous, what an uneducated comment! these so called 'washed up britpop bands' have boosted local business' income and reputation and also gave hundreds of people a cracking night out and opportunity to meet some of their favourite artists in an intimate environment. Such events have always also given local solo artists and bands the opportunity to support a well known and respected artist in, wait for it.......Kilmarnock! An opportunity that every artist or band has always fully appreciated an enjoyed hugely, looks good on a local artists musical CV. Every 'washed up britpop band' gig has been a huge success for all involved and hugely appreciated by the music loving punters in the town, of which you a clearly not one.
ReplyDeleteHide behind your anonymous persona, and spell the word correctly too, you prick.
Interesting thread. Shame about the shooting of folk trying to actually do stuff locally with music.
ReplyDeleteAs far as the blog goes, I think its great that one is taking so much of an interest as to write about local music, letting them be more aware of the bands, artists, and what they are about. May get a shite review, but at the end of it, it would be absurd to think that everyone everywhere will love your music.
Also don't think Mainy ever stated or insinuated that he is the be all and end all of music in ayrshire... that was a bit of a bizarre dig.
Good old stumpy. Well he tries endlessly as far as I've seem to get folk to killie. And does a lot to ensure that it is mainly kille or ayrshire bands and that playing. So I really struggle to see the downside.
Ka radio is pretty class and refreshing. Presents a platform for every genre, but that's really not what the article is about. So to say its not appreciated because another person is spoke of highly here is strange. But there you go.
I don't wish to brand myself to any scene. This kind of chat is probably why. There's a needless competition and envy that has erupted recently, and for no real reason I don't think. Or perhaps it has always been there and that's me just noticed.
All in all local music is good, and should be nurtured I guess. Paradoxically, those defended and attacked in these comments are all doing that.
That's my take.
Matt Scott
Really don't understand some people. What are you getting out of slagging off people doing something good for the ayrshire music scene?
ReplyDeleteIf you are from KA radio and posting anonymously, you aren't doing your station any favours!
What's the point in bringing a bad mark on the station? it's not helping anything, I agree this post was nothing to do with it. People who aren't involved directly should stay out of it!
ReplyDeleteI could be accused of being biased as I'm Mainy's partner, but as I've shared the highs and lows of promoting gigs in Kilmarnock I think I should throw my tuppence worth in here.
ReplyDeleteI have had many great nights in Jollys.
I've met members of the Sex Pistols, the Alarm, Inspiral Carpets, The Seahorses and loads more as has everyone else who has attended the gigs.
I now count some of the most talented people in Ayrshire as friends, and more importantly through these gigs I have met so many more great people, and forged friendships with them to.
Does anyone ever consider that this is what all the work that Stumpy does is about.
Bringing people together.
I'm proud that in a small way that I've been involved in that.
Someone anonymously posting isn't going to take that away from me.
Hi Cheryl here FROM Ka Radio Whoever the anon person is they do not do it from a KA Radio perspective in fact I see it as the opposite, I smell a rat in that someone is trying to besmirch our name.
ReplyDeleteKA Radio SUPPORTS ALL and ANYONE in Killie, Ayrshire and Scotland giving their time and trouble to bring real music to everyone.
Please believe me if the person posting is still at KA Radio they wont be for one minute longer when I find who they are.
I have and continue to have great respect for Mainy, Stumpy, Chris and all who keep the music scene alive.
I do have to address one or two things said here we have had ONE night in Glasgow at the invite of Mark, a presenter on KA Radio, and the next will be in Saltcoats. We aim to travel round the west of Scotland with these roadshows as we support ALL new music not just in Kilmarnock.
I smell a very big rat here in trying to paint us in a bad light. It I assure you is not the thinking of anyone in KA Radio.
Apologies to all especially Stumpy who I have great respect for. I can only assure you these posts have NOTHING to do with KA Radio x
Company size doesn't matter when it comes to discipline, (though with around 50 people involved I would say we were a fair size) but since no one here can tell me who posted or prove to me that ANYONE involved in my company posted any of these things I don't think any ill winds will be flowing through KA Radio now or in the future over these postings.
ReplyDeleteGive me a name and prove it and I will act. If not then I ask you to stop bad mouthing my company, I don't bad mouth anyone in the music scene or beyond for that matter so would like the same respect back Thank You.
I travel up and down the country, at my own expense to further the local music scene and support artists of all genres fully. I have put my self out there, if some think that's not worthy of consideration that's cool but I wont have KA Radio slagged off.
The door is open to anyone of you to join us or even visit, which indecently already includes Stumpy (proving the point I think that the anonymous poster isn't from KA Radio as they would know he was part of the station already) With the rest of the music scene and supporters lets build Kilmarnock and west of Scotland music back up.
We will provide free advertising to any gig or venue when asked but some never come forward but again that's free choice, you don't need to use us or even support what we are doing but we support Stumpy and the other gigs 100% and always have done and will continue to do so.
Think I'm a bit disappointed at some of the responses to KA Radio on here tbh. Some obviously jealous of what we have achieved and will achieve and can't wait to stick the boot in over totally unfounded and spurious postings, angry? me? na! just what I expected from the start but hoped to be proved wrong, hey ho
Two completely different posts Cheryl.
ReplyDeleteI don't get 'Give me a name and prove it and I will act.
If not then I ask you to stop bad mouthing my company,'
Especially after the conversation we had last night.
Apart from some anonymous posts that I didn't up that had a dig at the station the comments here are broadly supportive of the efforts that everyone makes.
The exception being attacks on primarily Stumpy and then myself.
and to add a bit of humour I'll point out that I think Stumpy indecently visits all of us at one time or another.
ReplyDeleteI met Mainey a few years ago at a gig in Glasgow through CJ from the Tragic City Thieves. We chatted for a little bit, and Mainey said he was going to write up a review of the show and that he would send me a copy. Afterwards CJ told me Mainey was not just a good friend, but someone who is really good to know if you're in a local band, as he does so much to try and help out the local scene.
ReplyDeleteSince then, reviews of our shows written by Mainey have ended up in international punk e-zines, he has linked people to our downloads which have now been downloaded all over the world as a result, he has approached us for a number of gigs in Glasgow and Kilmarnock. The gigs we played in Kilmarnock were both put on at Mainey's own (and very great) expense. Those gigs gave local musicians (from Kilmarnock and Glasgow) the chance to play with one of the sex pistols, and with Devilish Presley.
On the flip side to that, Mainey has also contacted me numerous times asking for my help in getting gigs for Kilmarnock bands/musicians, or asking me to help promote gigs that he was putting on, and gigs that others were putting on. I read his blog very regularly and he is always talking about local music, trying to get local bands recognised on a bigger platform than playing gigs for pennys to an empty room (and as someone who has been playing on the Scottish scene for 6 years, this is more often than not). He has also been trying to find out from the punters, what needs to be done to get them out of the house and into gigs, because he too has noticed this fall in attendance.
I cannot honestly say, with all of this information in mind, that Mainey is anything less than a godsend as far a the Kilmarnock music scene is concerned. I don't understand why anyone involved in that scene would want to do anything less than support him. It really is Bizarre.
Kyle Thunder
Filthy Little Secret
Thanks Kyle.
ReplyDeleteI could make a flippant remark and downplay the praise as we all do around these here parts, but there isn't a day passes that I'm not doing something about music.
I'm not the only one either.
Jamie McGeechan, Stumpy, the blog writers mentioned, Ben, Jennifer, James and Angus, the bookers like Mark McG who open doors in Glasgow for Ayrshire acts are just a few that spring to mind.
There's so many people working hand in glove in a positive way that we should be proud of our efforts.
Maybe some people should consider that people like myself do this because we are passionate about music.
We don't make money out of writing blogs nor promoting gigs really.
I think that's more laudable than anonymous attacks on peoples efforts.
I don't mind criticism at all, but digs at people like Stumpy and myself are far more petty and personal.
What is that line that the En-ger-land fan's shout? Two world wars & one world cup?
ReplyDeleteLook at the lads track record - 1 Sex Pistol, 1 Inspiral Carpet, 1 Bluetone, 3 OCS, 2 Alarm, countless indie, punk, rockabilly, rock, etc bands.
I remember being on my own and doing what Stumpy did. I remember having to fork out hundreds of pounds to cover my own arse. Mainy and Stumpy are good promoters. Very in the MFM style. Talent, production and self before profit. its just ethical promoting, everyone wants to see what the catch is.
Come to Killie. Mainy and Stumpy, and when they are motivated, the rest of the MFM will treat you well. Its all about the charm, patience and simplicity involved in what these guys do in Killie that gets results. Come to a show. you can only have an opinion if you pay for your ticket. otherwise your just trying to piss a pube off a toilet wall.
Much love
Willie, the MFM daddy x
I just wanted to add that not only does Mainy do a great job of supporting Kilmarnock & Ayrshire talent, he helps out with acts from further afield too.
ReplyDeleteI work with bands from London and Los Angeles which Mainy has written about and helped with bookings and promotion...even distributing flyers and posters (along with Kyle). That kind of help is invaluable to bands on the road and encourages me to send more bands to Scotland.
Through Mainy I've gotten to hear of bands from Kilmarnock who I'd possibly never have got to hear about otherwise.
You're doing a great job mate - stick at it!
Thanks Gavin.
ReplyDeleteThis has just highlighted to me that a minority haven't a clue about how much unpaid work goes on behind the scenes.
I don't even feel that I'm a singular champion supporting talented bands and artists. Far from it. I'm just one small cog in a rather large machine. David Hanvey is the real local hero here and it disgusts me that anyone would want to have a go at him after all the selfless efforts he has put in over many years.
Anonymous is scared to mention his or her name because the floodgates of abuse would rightly open.
ReplyDeleteanyone with a clue of live music promotions would understand the difficulty of getting established acts to come to an unknown quantity such as Killie and then firing up the apathetic locals to come out to play.
Hanvey has a proven track record of doing these two impossible tasks simultaneously at great effort and financial risk (as has Mainy)
who the fuck would anonymous book?
Lady Gaga?
Justin Beiber?
or am i being unfair by assuming your musical taste is as childish as your knowledge of the industry?
It`s quite possible in theory you could be bitter, clueless and deluded but still enjoy GOOD music (ive seen this phenomenon before)
Soo I`de like to know who you`de like to bring to Killie in an ideal fantasy world?
there`s no point in asking what you ve already achieved in the local scene as everyone reading this blog knows you ve done nothing apart from spin some songs a few times on a radio show then moan about how "nothing happpens round here"
get your heed out your arse and get to the dirty edition festival this weekend. 3 days of top drawer acts playing which you should be supportive of since you claim to support the local music scene. well support it and stop trying to knock it. You may even enjoy yourself so much you buy Hanvey a pint and apologize for being such a silly boy/ girl
Angie here, I can honestly say that all these Anon posts have achieved, is to put me off listening to KA Radio, so do me a favour, name yourself so we all know whos show to avoid. Stumpy does a great job in Killie, not only does he put on regular gigs, he has been a massive help to me when I put on my 2 charity gigs- he didnt gain a thing from it. So perhaps before you pass judgement on him, YOU try putting these gigs on, its a lot of hard relentless work, and not a lot of thanks, a lot harder than sitting behind a microphone playing tunes...but hey, bravo on publicing your radio show in such a positive manner. dick.
ReplyDeleteI would just like to add a wee note. Stumpy does a great job of putting gigs on in Killie. I always make an effort to get to as many as possible (sometimes finances dictate otherwise) I was lucky and spent the latter of my teenage years embracing the Ayrshire music scene only for it to kind of disintegrate. Having a local scene back again is something we should all embrace and support Stumpy!! As for anonymous, read things a couple of times to make sure you actually understand it before you start shooting your mouth off. Us folks in Killie are awfae proud of our music and our promoters and you would be better keeping misinformed, idiotic opinions to yourself!
My word this has blow up since you highlighted it yesterday Mainey. Just think of the amount of hits you must have got ;P
ReplyDeleteMy word this has blown up since you highlighted it yesterday Mainey. Just think of the amount of hits you must have got ;P
Thing is anonymity is one of the biggest pit falls of the internet, it provides snivelling bullies now apparently called "trolls" the opportunity to spread their hatred without being identified. The point is without this mask they would not have the confidence to do so. As a result they should not be even given the time of day or the satisfaction of your anger etc.
This is why I just stay out the road, write my blog and don’t get involved anymore to much drama and moaning! Wish these people would just buy a diary and save us the hassle of having to read their drivel.
Can someone show me the post which identifies which one, of any, of the anonymous posts are from anyone involved at KA Radio please? Its obvious too that more than one person wrote posts and didn't leave their name.
ReplyDeleteI have worked tirelessly and for NO payment either for the betterment of the Ayrshire music scene. I'm out 6 or even 7 nights a week at gigs all over the country, where Ayrshire acts play. I'm constantly contacting and giving air play to around 500+ bands who would get NO air play anywhere else.
We are raising the profile of Ayrshire music on a daily basis and supporting EVERY gig put on in Killie and beyond EVERY day all round the world.
The work involved in that is tremendous and just as every bit as intense and difficult as putting on a gig, I have been involved in putting on gigs too, including getting 21 bands played over 12 hours for charity back in July in Ayr.
I think I have walked the walk and don't think my hard work should be open to this kind of abuse any-more than the idiots at the top of the thread should abuse Stumpy etc.
You are all quick to point out that people shouldn't slag off the folk making the local scene better but have no hesitation in slagging of MY extremely hard work at KA Radio on the flimsiest of evidence.
Maybe you should come down to KA Radio and witness what goes on day to day in promoting the up and coming acts 24/7. I have enlisted the help of 50 local people and even some from abroad to boost the scene here. We have released an album featuring 16 artists in the USA which is being stocked by record stores there and will actually put money in the pockets of the featured artist right here in Scotland, it is also volume 1 of a series which will feature hundreds of artists eventually and all proceeds after expenses will be shared equally with the artists involved.
To the haters I ask what do YOU do for local artists??? KA Radio has done more in 4 months than some of you will do in a lifetime for the local scene.
I have spoken these last couple of days to all abused by these cowardly posters including Stumpy and they KNOW its not coming from within KA Radio, so I think some should get their facts straight before posting.
I don't enjoy having to point out what I/we are doing as it is not in my nature to boast about these things but since this thread has turned into a "what did you do in the war" type thread I felt the need to let you know just some of the things we do as obviously some have no clue as to what is going on in their own town.
Cheryl, there is no evidence to point to the anonymous posts being from someone involved with KA Radio, but there is also no evidence to prove otherwise.
ReplyDeleteThat is the sad nature of cowardly anonymous posts.
However the initial post does mention a radio station and the second KA Radio specifically.
I would guess that they are both from the same person and they take issue that in the blog update there's no mention of KA Radio.
It's inoffensive enough and if I was to hazard a guess I would say that they were posted by someone involved with the station who considers that it deserves a mention.
No big deal.
That, as said, is a guess though.
The third appears to be from someone else who obviously has an axe to grind with Stumpy and myself.
They may, or may not, be involved with the station.
No one knows, but as KA Radio was mentioned in the second post then people have linked them all together and are now pissed off and venting.
It could very well be misdirected, but neither you nor I can say hand on heart that the comments flow from KA radio or not.
I can accept your word that none of them came from you personally, but I can't accept that there's no possibility that it was from one of your 50 volunteers.
I don't know the majority of them.
It would be naive of me to discount the possibility.
Lets be honest here.
It's not long ago that one of your presenters had posted on Facebook that they were going to tear my smug cuntish face off.
They have apologized, and I consider it's in the past, but lets not pretend that you can vouch for everyone and that individually those involved with the station work to the professional level that you would expect from them.
None of that is to say that it is someone involved with the station, just that no one can say.
Taking into consideration the backlash, I very much doubt anyone would admit to making the posts now.
The original two, or the third.
As for me. I'll not be letting this taint my opinion of people in general.
In the main most people are alright.
Then there's the bad apples.
They have always been about and I doubt that they will disappear any time soon.
This just proves what a dichotomy the Internet is, changing the world for good and ill since 1994 (imprecise origin date). This is a blog, that's all. A blog. The author provided an opinion about a very hardworking man named David Hanvey and suddenly every little twerp with an axe to grind crawls out of the woodwork. Or maybe it's not "every" little twerp, just a couple who crow very loudly.
ReplyDeleteI think it is a presumptuous leap to deduce that a commenter who mentions KA Radio must work there. Sure it's possible, but given Mr. Hanvey's periodic involvement with KA Radio, it seems a curious oversight not to bear that in mind when dismissing his work and mentioning the station instead.
As for me, I would never have heard of any of these artists it weren't for Cheryl Scott specifically and KA Radio in general, nor would I have heard of this here blog. So if I have to choose sides, it's pretty clear where I fall in.
However, why should I have to? There seems to be an awful lot of rancor attached to music and blog entries based on the observations of one or two petulant jerks. Why is this? Stumpy probably said it best when he declared, "it's only a gig." Yeah, exactly. Not that I'm minimizing his hard work, but there is no one I've ever seen who works harder than Cheryl to promote Ayrshire music. The fact that many of us in the United States are aware of and listen to her radio station ought to be evidence of that.
These are not matters of life and death. This is a blog about local music. And now there are thinly veiled accusations circulating. Over what? The anonymous poster either works for the station or doesn't but why should it taint the entire station in anyone's perceptions unless those perceptions were already negative? At least one out of 50 people is a sniveling creep, probably far more than that. With that in mind, statistics would indicate that more than one of KA's 50 employees would snipe about this whereas only between zero and one actually did so.
What else is there to say? Ayrshire has a bloggist (I like that word better than blogger), a promoter like Stumpy, and a station manager like Cheryl, plus many more individuals, all interested in advancing the cause of local music. So what's the problem?
There is one more thing to say. For the past week we have been selling a CD here in the United States featuring 16 Scottish artists. Everyone who has taken the time to listen is impressed. The music scene there is remarkable. Embrace it and jettison the bitterness.
Rovell, KA Radio
Indianapolis, USA
Guya one thing I really need to point out here, can you STOP using my real name as its no very rock'n'roll. Now everyone say it STUMPY. Cheers enjoy your weekend folks.
ReplyDelete"It's not long ago that one of your presenters had posted on Facebook that they were going to tear my smug cuntish face off."
ReplyDeleteThat's not the words I used, and also at that the time of that incident I was not part of KA Radio! Anyway, I've said my peace and I have no issues with you anymore Mainy. I certainly have nothing but respect for Stumpy. This whole thing has angered me aswell as everyone at KA Radio. I understand that I would be one of the first people the finger would be pointed at, but I can assure you it's nothing to do with me. As everyone knows, if I was going to say something I wouldn't hide my name.
Fair enough. I paraphrased you, but I'm sure you will accept that it was along those lines.
ReplyDeleteNowhere has anyone pointed the finger at you Martin.
Previous posts are correct - it is worth noting that there are a whole lot of people who have built this scene up. In my view, however, Stumpy, Munro, Willie B, Baz, Rubis, Faither and all that crowd DO deserve a special mention. Similarly, Sammy B in Ayr, who put on my first gig in 1999 and has supported local music via UCA Radio for years, and Mainy who *tried* to put on our first gig in 1999 (but our mammies wouldnae let us support 4 Past Midnight), and who was publishing Unnatural Exposure at least since then. All of these people have worked tirelessly over a very considerable period of time, forging relationships and supporting bands over the long haul. Let's ditch the bitterness and recognise the more than a decade of effort and support for local artists these people have put in.
ReplyDelete1999. Jings. Has it been that long. :)
ReplyDeleteWithout exception, all deserving of a mention as you say Ross.
The point at the start was that there was no need for a roll call of honour as the update was purely about a gig in Kilmarnock.
If I had upped something praising everyone, but missed one then I would deserve to be pulled on it, but that wasn't the case.
It strikes me that the person leaving the comment about me not mentioning KA radio was actually doing what they accused me.
By that I mean by failing to mention all the people that you have, and more.
Still trying to wrap my head around 1999.
ReplyDeleteYep, I agree. No need for the blog to mention everyone. I was responding to some of the more short-sighted comments made here.
ReplyDeleteYeah. On a personal level I do have to say that I've found the original posts rather galling as I always seem to be reposting links to other peoples blogs, gigs, where to pick up their albums, etc.
ReplyDeleteI've never considered others as competition and have always felt there is room for everyone and encouraged people to get involved.
Agreed, we're all in the same boat, we all love music. There is no competition. Anyway, I know you weren't pointing the finger at me, I've went back and re-read it, so that was a mishap on my behalf. Everyone in ayrshire who does their bit for music does a damn good job. I'm proud to be a part of it