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Thursday 3 March 2011

Fuckin' awesome free and legal music download fur yer lugs.

My initial intention was to add the download link to Ross Gilchrist's Rank Badjiin ep to the review that is on the blog, but I'm fearful that people will miss it and I really don't want it getting lost in the shuffle. So here it is. All free and legal with the blessing of Ross himself.
Download it, upload it, burn it, pass it on. Post it through the letterboxes of all your neighbours under cover of darkness, but most of all enjoy.

Ross Gilchrist – Rank Badjiin ep
I am the bard/Life is how you look at it/Fucking awesome feersum enjinn/The most fighting-est champions/Miskatonic musings (prt1)/Code Moneky/21st Century Blues.


  1. Just the first spin, but interesting to say the least. Never heard of them/him but there you go. Gonna play a song on the april show for sure, probably the Miskatonic Musings track that I liked best at first sight. Thanks Mainy, nice one.

  2. He is a young guy who lives a couple of towns away from me that I recently seen play live, Since then I have seen him again and both time he has really impressed me. he is fearless when he playis live and I really wish you could see him as the studio/live experiences are two very different ones.
    He will be very pleased that you are playing his song on your show.

  3. Fucking awesome its is. This guy's got something special. Some'out of this world' songwriting and producing I say. He does this on his own you say? First thought he was from the US, doesnt sound like a scot to me, but what do I know eh? Like it a lot I tell you. Fearless IS the word.
