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Wednesday 23 February 2011


I know it's not the end of the month yet, but I just had a look at my stats and I would just like to say a big thank you to everyone who drops by to have a look at the blog. It makes it a very worthwhile hobby for myself and I genuinely feel appreciative of the interest expressed in it.
I'm honestly blown away at the amount of hits that I've been getting.



  1. Well I seem to be coming here a lot more often then I did, and that is mainly because you've posting such a lot of stuff lately that I almost feel obliged to check the blog daily.... :-)
    Which I dont, but I do check it out like 3 times a week. Being Dutch, there's a lot of things that would go by me (like T in the Park, of which I had never heard before), plus not all of the bands you talk about I have heard about or a strong desire to hear, but I learn someting everyday and get to know some stuff via your blog. I download too, if there is a link, if only to hear what you're so enthousiastic about... Anyway, most of it is interesting at least, and you write well. So, keep it coming! Roger

  2. Thanks Roger. The blog is just an extention of what I'm doing at any given time so it can be wide ranging and I know that not everything will be appreciated by everyone and that was never the intent.
    If someone wants to read a blog that is purely devoted to punk or classical music then there are plenty of them to meet their needs.
    I like to think this is more open to just about anything though. Famous bands, unknown bands, mainstream pop acts, books, films a bit of social commentary even. Why limit it, or even tailor it to a specific audience?
    I'm enjoying doing it just now and until the day I don't I'll continue.

  3. Why not get loads of hits?, you aint exactly biased or a music snob, keep it up!. I have never been impressed by Genre type fanzines or music mags, hence why i read Classic Rock, it covers most genres and not a specific one.

  4. It's just been a bit of a surprise I guess. Up until I was aware of teh stats I thought that maybe 20 odd people might look at the blog in a good week. Not over 5000 in a month.

  5. You write well though and your enthusiasm for the music always comes over onto the page. I don't always agree with your tastes (or even your point of view at times) but I know that whatever it is you're writing about, it will be passionate, interesting and well written. When was the last time you could say that about the mainstream music press, any of it?

  6. Thank you. I'm blushing. You know I can't handle praise Billy.
    How you doing anyway? Enjoy Wire?
    I've got loads on this weekend. 11 bands as part of a Cramps night this evening then another 11 tomorrow as part of a goodbye Valhalla night. (Valhalla was the last record store in Ayrshire and it just closed its doors.)
    Apart from that Kel and me have just confirmed Glen Matlock and the Philistines for March and we have Devilish Presley playing the same weekend.
    So busy busy busy.

  7. Doing fine. Wire was really good. The show featured the new album fairly heavily (as is their way) plust a few highlights from their history. It was good meeting Stevie & Shaun again.

    That Cramps thing sounds fantastic, although the record shop closing is really sad. Unfortunately it's happening all over. One-Up, THE independent shop in Aberdeen since I was in my teens, is in difficulty and had to lay off two staff last week for the first time in its 30 year history.

    Glad to see you're pulling the names in with yer promotions. I'll try and get myself down for something later in the year.

    Busy up here just now (comparatively haha) as well with gigs soon from Les Savy Fav, Steve Harley, The Phantom Band and then there's a bunch of us heading down to Edinburgh on the 26th March for an all-dayer at Studio 24 featuring the Drongos, Hateful, Runnin Riot and headlined by Sham 69. Should be fun.

    Anyhoo, better run. Give my love to Kel. Hope we cross paths soon. B
