Returning the favour I threw in that before Black Moses, whom I hadn’t heard of, there was Thee Hypnotics.
If there was ever a band that was out of space and time then it was these guys. Critical plaudits and blistering live shows sometimes don’t translate over to mass acceptance and these guys proved it.
Plundering the harder edge of the seventies they took all the best shizzaz from the Detroit scene and dragged it kicking and screaming over to the UK and beat the shit out of it then released it on an album called ‘Come down heavy’.
So here’s the genesis of The Jim Jones Revue in all its glory, but in all honesty it‘s worth checking out everything that Jim Jones has fronted.
thanks for another post my friend
ReplyDeleteI hope you enjoy it. The penny may have dropped. By any chance are you from Canada?
ReplyDeleteNein......from The Netherlands
ReplyDeleteStill haven't the oppurtunity to d.l this as i am a free user
Oh. I thought you were a guy from Canada that does the Days of our youth Blog.
ReplyDeletehey brotha, if you would like a digital copy of Gabriel Sullivan, ill get you a link. its already at my share service. But it's only for you not for the blog.
ReplyDeleteThat would be great. I'll forward you an email address to send the link to
ReplyDeleteok my man
ReplyDeleteAny blog with Thee Hypnotics and The Fallen Angels has got to be worth a return visit and a link on mine. Nice on ****thing. Keep on Keeping On!
ReplyDeleteshame-by the time I got to this it was taken down-anyway,yeah,I saw these guys once mid-afternoon at Treworgy Tree Festival...talk about incongruous!!!Confronted by a field full of soap-dodgers(myself included),Thee Hypnotics,in full Rock'n'Roll regalia of black leather and pointy boots,proceeded to incinerate all within range of their amps....memorable.